【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2024-7-19)
- 发布日期:2025-01-02 12:32 点击次数:127
转自:外交部发言人办公室2024年7月19日外交部发言人林剑主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian’s Regular Press Conference on July 19, 2024应俄罗斯联邦政府第一副总理曼图罗夫、副总理诺瓦克邀请,中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理丁薛祥将于7月21日至23日赴俄举行中俄投资合作委员会第十一次会议、中俄能源合作委员会第二十一次会议,并出席第六届中俄能源商务论坛。At the invitation of First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov and Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak of the government of the Russian Federation, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council Ding Xuexiang will co-chair the 11th meeting of the China-Russia Investment Cooperation Committee and the 21st meeting of the China-Russia Energy Cooperation Committee, and attend the sixth China-Russia Energy Business Forum in Russia from July 21 to 23.应中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅邀请,马尔代夫外交部长扎米尔将于7月20日至24日来华访问。At the invitation of Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Maldivian Minister of Foreign Affairs Moosa Zameer will visit China from July 20 to 24.总台央视记者:近期,中方发布了上半年各项经济数据。其中进出口数据表现亮眼,表明中国产品在全球仍具有强大竞争力,外贸向好势头不变。发言人对此有何评论?CCTV: Earlier this week, China released the economic figures of the first half of this year. Strong imports and exports numbers showed that Chinese products remain highly competitive in the world and the momentum of China’s foreign trade remains strong. What’s your comment?林剑:今年上半年,中国进出口规模首次突破21万亿元,同比增长6.1%,部分指标增速达到两位数。得益于外贸表现强劲,国际货币基金组织日前发布最新《世界经济展望报告》,将今年中国经济增长预期上调至5%。Lin Jian: In the first half of this year, China’s imports and exports exceeded RMB 21 trillion for the first time, up 6.1 percent year on year, with some indicators achieving double-digit growth. In light of China’s robust foreign trade, the International Monetary Fund revised up its 2024 Chinese GDP growth forecast to 5 percent in the latest update to its World Economic Outlook.开放的中国是全球发展繁荣的重要引擎。从设立22个自贸试验区、建设海南自由贸易港,到力推《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》签署生效,构建面向全球的高标准自由贸易区网络;从多次削减外资准入负面清单,到放宽电信、医疗等服务行业准入;从推进高质量共建“一带一路”,到搭建进博会、服贸会、消博会等国际经贸合作平台……一系列扩大高水平开放的重大举措,不仅让中国的发展惠及国际社会,也让看好中国成为世界的普遍共识。今年上半年,中国新设立外商投资企业26870家,同比增长14.2%,制造业实际使用外资较去年同期提高2.4%。中国连续7年保持全球货物贸易第一大国地位,出口和进口国际市场份额连续15年保持全球第一和第二,对外投资连续11年稳居世界前三,资金流向覆盖全球155个国家和地区。An open China is an important engine of global development and prosperity. From establishing 22 Pilot Free Trade Zones and the Hainan Free Trade Port, the signing and entry into force of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, to the building of a globally-oriented network of high-standard free trade areas, from repeatedly shortening the negative list for foreign investment to reducing market access restrictions in telecommunications, healthcare and other services sectors, from promoting high-quality Belt and Road cooperation to establishing international cooperation platforms for trade and economic exchange, such as the China International Import Expo, China International Fair for Trade in Services, and the China International Consumer Products Expo, these important measures to expand high-quality opening up benefit the international community through China’s development, and give the world reason for optimism about China’s outlook. In the first half of this year, 26,870 foreign-invested companies were set up in China, up by 14.2 percent year on year. Actual utilized foreign investment in manufacturing increased by 2.4 percent compared with the same period last year. China has remained the world’s largest trader in goods for seven years running, and the world’s largest exporter and second-largest importer for 15 consecutive years. It has been among the world’s top three sources of outbound investment for 11 years in a row. The funding we provide has benefited 155 countries and regions in the world.刚刚结束的中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议公报指出,开放是中国式现代化的鲜明标识,必须坚持对外开放基本国策,坚持以开放促改革,依托中国超大规模市场优势,在扩大国际合作中提升开放能力,建设更高水平开放型经济新体制,稳步扩大制度型开放,深化外贸体制改革,深化外商投资和对外投资管理体制改革,优化区域开放布局,完善推进高质量共建“一带一路”机制。我们将继续坚持深化改革、扩大开放,让中国大市场成为世界大机遇,在改革开放中不断推进中国式现代化,以中国式现代化为世界现代化注入强大动力。The Communique of the just concluded third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China said that opening up is a defining feature of Chinese modernization. We must remain committed to the basic state policy of opening to the outside world and continue to promote reform through opening up. Leveraging the strengths of China’s enormous market, we will enhance our capacity for opening up while expanding cooperation with other countries and develop new institutions for a higher-standard open economy. We will steadily expand institutional opening up, deepen the foreign trade structural reform, further reform the management systems for inward and outward investment, improve planning for regional opening up, and refine the mechanisms for high-quality cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative. We will continue to deepen reform and expand opening up to turn China’s super-sized market into abundant opportunities for the world, strive for Chinese modernization through reform and opening up, and inject strong impetus to global modernization through our own modernization.《中国日报》记者:由外交部支持,中国国际问题研究院昨天在钓鱼台举办了一场全球安全倡议相关仪式活动,能否进一步介绍活动情况?China Daily: With the Foreign Ministry’s support, the China Institute of International Studies yesterday held an event on the Global Security Initiative at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. Can you give us more details?林剑:昨天下午,由外交部支持,中国国际问题研究院举办了全球安全倡议研究中心成立暨《全球安全倡议落实进展报告》发布仪式。中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅向活动发表书面致词,外交部副部长陈晓东出席活动,为研究中心揭牌并致辞。来自80多个国家和国际组织的驻华使节和代表、专家学者等近300人出席活动。《全球安全倡议落实进展报告》由中国国际问题研究院和全球安全倡议研究中心起草发布,中英文全文已于7月18日活动结束后在国研院官网发布。Lin Jian: With the Foreign Ministry’s support, the China Institute of International Studies (CIIS) yesterday afternoon held an event to launch the Center for Global Security Initiative Studies and to release the Report on the Implementation Progress of the Global Security Initiative. Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi delivered a written speech to the event and Vice Foreign Minister Chen Xiaodong attended the event, unveiled the plaque of the Center and delivered remarks. Nearly 300 guests, including diplomatic envoys and representatives from over 80 countries and international organizations, and experts and scholars, attended the event. The Report on the Implementation Progress of the Global Security Initiative was drafted and published by CIIS and the Center for Global Security Initiative Studies. The full text of the report in both Chinese and English was released on the official website of CIIS after the event on July 18.王毅外长在书面致词中表示,习近平主席提出全球安全倡议,为弥补人类和平赤字贡献了中国智慧,为应对国际安全挑战提供了中国方案。首份《全球安全倡议落实进展报告》系统梳理了倡议提出两年多来取得的成果,有助于各方更加深入理解倡议作为安全领域国际公共产品的现实意义和独特价值。希望全球安全倡议研究中心充分汇聚中外专家学者的智慧和力量,搭建国际安全问题交流对话平台,为各方在倡议框架下开展交流合作提供强有力支持。Foreign Minister Wang Yi in the written speech noted that the Global Security Initiative (GSI) put forward by President Xi Jinping contributed Chinese wisdom to reducing the peace deficit in the world and provided Chinese solution for dealing with international security challenges. The first ever Report on the Implementation Progress of the Global Security Initiative presents a full picture of what has been achieved in the past two years and more since the GSI was proposed. The report helps various sides to better understand the relevance and unique value of the GSI as an international public good in the field of security. He hopes that the Center for Global Security Initiative Studies will thoroughly pool the wisdom and strength of experts and scholars from both home and abroad, build a platform of exchanges and dialogue of international security issues and provide strong support for exchanges and cooperation between all sides under the GSI.陈晓东副部长在致辞中指出,全球安全倡议在风云变幻中坚守人间正道,在危机挑战中勇毅前行,展现出强大的时代价值和现实意义,倡议推进落实工作取得了实打实、沉甸甸的成果。面对层出不穷的传统和非传统安全挑战,中方愿与各方加强安全理念政策沟通交流,勠力推进国际安全合作,推动可持续发展、促进可持续安全,为动荡不安的世界注入更多稳定性。Vice Foreign Minister Chen Xiaodong in his speech pointed out that amid the evolving international landscape, the GSI represents the right way forward and gives the world courage to meet crises and challenges head-on. The GSI is highly relevant and important for today’s world. The implementation of the GSI has achieved real and tangible results. Faced with emerging traditional and non-traditional security challenges, China stands ready to strengthen communication and exchanges on security visions and policies with all sides, work together to advance international security cooperation, promote sustainable development and sustainable security, and bring more stability to this turbulent world.我想强调的是,深入推进落实全球安全倡议需要广泛汇聚各方智慧和力量。中方将以成立全球安全倡议研究中心和发布《全球安全倡议落实进展报告》为契机,同各方一道,积极践行全球安全倡议,深化安全领域交流合作,为促进人类共同安全、世界持久和平作出新的贡献。I would like to stress that to advance the implementation of the GSI, we need to extensively pool wisdom and strength of all sides. The establishment of the Center for Global Security Initiative Studies and release of the Report on the Implementation Progress of the Global Security Initiative provide us the good opportunity to work with all parties to actively implement the GSI, deepen exchanges and cooperation in security fields and make new contribution to humanity’s common security and lasting peace of the world.中新社记者:我们注意到,近日,中国海地贸易发展办事处X平台账号发布消息表示,该处已返回海地首都太子港工作。请发言人介绍一下相关情况。China News Service: We noted that the Office of Commercial Development of China in Haiti posted on social media platform X that it has resumed its activities in Port-au-Prince. Can you share more details with us on that? 林剑:中国和海地尚未建立外交关系。中海分别在对方首都设立贸易发展办事处,是双方沟通交流的重要渠道。Lin Jian: China has not yet established diplomatic relations with Haiti. The two countries have offices of commercial development in each other’s capitals, which serve as an important channel of communication and exchanges between the two sides.今年年初,由于海地安全形势恶化,许多国家暂时关闭本国驻海机构并撤离侨民。中国海地贸易发展办事处在组织协助安全撤离两批在海中国公民后,于今年4月暂时撤至多米尼加首都圣多明各。近期,随着海地安全形势逐步好转,中国海地贸易发展办事处人员在海方协助下已返回海地首都太子港工作。Early this year, when the security situation deteriorated in Haiti, a lot of countries temporarily closed their institutions in Haiti and evacuated their nationals. After organizing and assisting the safe evacuation of two batches of Chinese nationals from Haiti, the Office of Commercial Development of China in Haiti was temporarily moved to Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic in April. Recently, in light of the improving security situation in Haiti, with the help of the Haitian side, the staff of the Office of Commercial Development of China in Haiti have returned to Port-au-Prince and resumed their work.总台华语环球节目中心记者:据了解,中国外交部负责人将于近日赴日本、韩国举行双边对话磋商,你能否证实并介绍情况?中方对此次对话有何期待?CCTV: We’ve learned that China’s senior Foreign Ministry official will go to Japan and the ROK in the coming days for bilateral dialogues and consultations. Can you confirm this and share more details? What is China’s expectation for the dialogues?林剑:外交部副部长马朝旭将应邀于7月21日至25日赴日本东京、韩国首尔分别同日本外务事务次官冈野正敬、韩国外交部第一次官金烘均举行第十六轮中日战略对话、第十轮中韩外交部门高级别战略对话。关于对话的具体安排,双方正在协商中。Lin Jian: At the invitation of Japan and the ROK, from July 21 to 25, Deputy Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu will hold the 16th round of China-Japan strategic dialogue with Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan Masataka Okano in Tokyo and the 10th round of high-level strategic dialogue between the foreign ministries of China and the ROK with First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the ROK Kim Hong Kyun in Seoul. Detailed arrangement of the dialogues is still being worked out. 有关对话是中方同日、韩方的机制性磋商安排。在对话中,双方将就双边关系及共同关心的国际地区问题深入交换意见。中方希望通过对话增进沟通,促进合作,推动中日、中韩关系健康稳定发展。有关情况,我们会及时发布消息。The dialogues are institutionalized consultations between China and Japan and between China and the ROK. They provide the opportunity for in-depth exchanges of views on bilateral relations and international and regional issues of mutual interest. China hopes to step up communication and enhance cooperation through the dialogues to promote the sound and steady growth of China-Japan and China-ROK relations. We will release timely information on the dialogues.俄新社记者:匈牙利总理欧尔班向欧洲理事会主席米歇尔致函,建议欧盟就召开下一次乌克兰和平会议与中国开展高层谈判。中方对此有何评论?是否愿意参加此类谈判?RIA Novosti: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán sent a letter to the President of the EU Council Charles Michel, in which he suggested that the EU conduct high-level talks with China on holding the next peace conference on Ukraine. What’s China’s comment? Is China willing to participate in such talks?林剑:我们注意到有关报道。中国在乌克兰危机问题上始终致力于劝和促谈,推动政治解决,鼓励和支持有利于和平解决危机的努力。我们始终认为,国际和会应具备“俄乌双方认可、各方平等参与、对所有和平方案进行公平讨论”这三个重要要素。国际社会要为双方恢复直接对话谈判创造条件,其中大国更应发挥正能量而非负作用。我们愿同有关各方保持沟通,继续为推动危机政治解决发挥建设性作用。Lin Jian: We noted the report. On the Ukraine issue, China has been committed to promoting talks for peace, advancing a political settlement, and encouraging and supporting efforts conducive to the peaceful settlement of the crisis. China maintains that the international peace conference needs to meet the three important elements of recognition from both Russia and Ukraine, equal participation of all parties, and fair discussion of all peace plans. The international community needs to create conditions for the two sides to resume direct dialogue and negotiation. Major countries in particular need to play a positive role. China stands ready to maintain communication with relevant parties to continue playing a constructive role for enabling a political settlement of the crisis.法新社记者:美国前总统特朗普今天在接受共和党总统候选人提名的演讲中称,他将寻求恢复国际和平,并警告台湾和亚洲其他地区存在发生冲突的风险。中方对他的演讲有何评论?AFP: Former US President Donald Trump in his acceptance speech for the Republican presidential nomination said that he will restore peace in the world and warned that a growing specter of conflict hangs over Taiwan and all of Asia. What’s your comment on his speech? 林剑:台湾问题纯属中国内政,不容任何外部干涉。中方一向反对美国大选拿中国说事。Lin Jian: The Taiwan question is purely China’s internal affair and brooks no external interference. We are opposed to making China an issue in US elections.深圳卫视记者:据美国“军事”网站报道,美国海军陆战队12年来首次发布名为《欺骗》的最新条令,其核心包括如何利用欺骗来对付敌人、制作虚假情报信息。美军情报官员、“欺骗”战略主要提出者希尔接受采访称,“欺骗绝对在我们的工具箱里”,宣称“如果没有欺骗就没有作战”。请问发言人对此有何评论?Shenzhen TV: According to the US website “Military.com,” for the first time in 12 years, the Marine Corps has published the latest doctrine titled “Deception”—a tactic used to deceive enemy and create disinformation. Jeffrey Hill, US intelligence officer and the lead author of the doctrine, said in an interview that “deception is absolutely in our tool kit,” and “if you ain’t deceiving, you ain’t fighting.” What’s your comment? 林剑:我们注意到有关报道。从美国前国务卿蓬佩奥公开承认“美国撒谎、欺骗、偷窃”,到前不久披露的美国五角大楼在新冠疫情期间开展抹黑中国疫苗的虚假信息行动,再到这次美军公布名为《欺骗》的最新军事条令,是谁在全球范围内散布虚假信息?是谁在针对特定国家开展认知战?是谁在国际上大搞网络攻击和信息战?美国惯于打着所谓“国际道义”的旗号干谋取私利的勾当,惯于通过欺骗性宣传散布虚假信息,惯于通过舆论战、认知战构陷打压他国。国际社会对此看得很清楚,对美国的这些伎俩也始终保持警惕。美国妄想继续靠欺骗在国际社会带节奏的时代早已一去不复返。Lin Jian: We noted the report. From former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo publicly saying “we lied, we cheated, we stole,” to the recently revealed Pentagon disinformation campaign against Chinese vaccines during COVID-19, to the latest military doctrine titled “Deception” disclosed by the US military, we should ask the following. Who is spreading disinformation worldwide? Who is waging the battle of perception against particular countries? Who is launching cyberattacks and information warfare in the world? To advance selfish agenda in the name of justice, to spread disinformation through deceptive propaganda, and to frame and suppress other countries through manipulating public opinion and perception have become the US’s go-to tactics. The world knows what the US has been doing and is vigilant against them. Long gone are the days when the US could deceive the world into serving the US agenda.美方应立即纠正错误做法,停止以谎言蛊惑世人,停止污蔑抹黑他国,尽快就其为一己私利长期散布虚假信息给国际社会一个交代,尽快就其“欺骗”策略带来的严重伤害给发展中国家一个交代。The US needs to quit those wrongful approaches at once, stop manipulating perceptions through lies, and stop smearing and vilifying other countries. The US should give a long-overdue explanation to the international community both for its dissemination of disinformation over the years for selfish reasons, and for the severe damage inflicted by the US “Deception” strategy on the developing countries. 俄新社记者:据报道,三名北约官员透露,北约正在讨论如果与俄罗斯发生更广泛的冲突,将收回一些中国在欧洲拥有的基础设施项目。中方对此有何评论?RIA Novosti: It’s reported that NATO officials are in discussions about reclaiming some Chinese-owned infrastructure projects in Europe, if a broader conflict with Russia arises, based on information from three officials involved in these talks. What is China’s comment on this?林剑:有关言论是北约意图越界扩权、搞阵营对抗的又一体现。中俄关系建立在不结盟、不对抗、不针对第三方基础上,中欧经济合作符合双方利益。北约以与俄冲突为由,干扰破坏中欧合作,毫无道理,各方应坚决抵制。Lin Jian: This is yet another sign of NATO attempting to step outside its zone, breach its mandate and incite bloc confrontation. China-Russia relations are built on the basis of non-alliance, non-confrontation and not targeting any third party. The economic cooperation between China and European countries serves the interest of both sides. There’s no justification for NATO to use conflicts with Russia as a reason to disrupt and undermine China’s cooperation with European countries. Such attempts must be firmly rejected.塔斯社记者:昨日,美国国会众议长约翰逊称,如果特朗普赢得大选,美国将对中国采取强硬立场。外交部对此有何评论?TASS: US House Speaker Mike Johnson said yesterday that if Trump wins the presidential elections, the US will take a tough stance on China. What is the Foreign Ministry’s comment?林剑:大选是美国内政,我不作评论。中方一向反对美国大选拿中国说事。Lin Jian: The presidential elections are the domestic affairs of the United States. I will not comment on that. We are opposed to making China an issue in the elections.路透社记者:由于学生抗议活动,孟加拉国面临断网和电话线路中断。在孟中国企业和公民的处境如何?外交部是否采取措施保障在孟中国公民安全?Reuters: Bangladesh is facing internet shutdowns and disrupted phone lines amid student protests. What is the situation there for Chinese companies and residents? Is MOFA taking actions to ensure the safety of Chinese nationals in Bangladesh?林剑:中方注意到近日孟加拉国发生的事态。这是孟加拉国的内政,相信孟加拉国政府会予以妥善处理,维护国家团结稳定。中国驻孟加拉国使馆也将继续密切关注中国公民和企业在孟安全,并在职责范围内提供必要协助。Lin Jian: China noted what happened recently in Bangladesh. This is Bangladesh’s domestic affair and we believe that the government of Bangladesh will properly handle it and uphold national solidarity and stability. The Chinese Embassy in Bangladesh will continue to closely follow the security situation of Chinese nationals and companies in Bangladesh and exercise its duty in providing necessary assistance. 《北京青年报》记者:据报道,台湾“海巡署”“巡护9号”巡视船与日本海上保安厅载机巡视船“相模号”于7月18日在日本千叶县房总半岛南端及伊豆大岛附近海域实施联合演习。报道称,这是1972年日台“断交”以来,日本海上保安厅与台湾“海巡署”首次实施联合海上训练,旨在应对中国在东海、南海持续的强硬活动,防止不测事态。发言人对此有何评论?Beijing Youth Daily: It was reported that on July 18, the Hsun Hu No.9 patrol vessel of the “Coast Guard Administration of the Ocean Affairs Council” of Taiwan and the aircraft-carrying patrol vessel Sagami of Japan Coast Guard carried out a joint drill to the south of Japan’s Boso Peninsula, Chiba Prefecture, and in waters near Izu Oshima. According to the reports, this is the first joint maritime exercise between Japan Coast Guard and the “Coast Guard Administration of the Ocean Affairs Council” of Taiwan since Japan and Taiwan cut “diplomatic ties” in 1972. The drill is a response to the continued assertive activities of China in the East and South China Seas to stay vigilant against potential contingencies. What is your comment?林剑:我们对日方同台湾地区实施联合海上训练强烈不满,坚决反对,已向日方提出严正交涉。日方曾就台湾问题向中方作出郑重承诺,包括不搞“两个中国”或“一中一台”,不支持“台独”。这是日本必须遵循的立场和原则。我们敦促日方恪守一个中国原则和中日四个政治文件精神,立即纠正错误,不得以任何形式纵容支持“台独”分裂势力,在东海、南海问题上谨言慎行,不要给台海和平稳定和中日关系制造干扰。Lin Jian: We strongly deplore and firmly oppose Japan’s joint maritime exercise with the Taiwan region, and have lodged protests with Japan. Japan has made serious commitments to China on the Taiwan question, including not supporting “two Chinas,” “one China, one Taiwan” or “Taiwan independence.” These are the stance and principles that Japan must uphold. We urge Japan to adhere to the one-China principle and the spirit of the four political documents between China and Japan, correct the wrongdoing at once, refrain from conniving at or supporting “Taiwan independence” separatist forces in any form, stay prudent on issues related to the East and South China Seas, and stop disrupting cross-Strait peace and stability and China-Japan relations.